Did you know that the Federal Reserve System is illegal?

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 13:52

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The Federal Reserve System is not federal?

The money we use today, is not real money.

The U.S. dollar in your wallet or purse is guaranteed by nothing.

Our current economic situation in this country is not inflationary increase in prices, as the government wants us to believe, but it is caused by the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve is a cartel of international bankers, politicians and power brokers who have been systematicallyControl of our money so that you and I can be and have been slaves for inflation, debt and taxes.

"Give me control a nation's currency and I do not care who makes the laws."

Baron MA Rothschild

The cartel of the Federal Reserve is on us to prosperity.

Runaway inflation in the United States is not here, because a price increase, as our elected representatives and the Fed would have us believe. We have inflation because of the rise ofThe money supply, the Fed to create from nothing.

"If the American people allow private banks to issue their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, growing control of banks and companies, to deprive people of all their property until when their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. "

Thomas Jefferson

Money FBI dealing with a stroke of a pen

The money supply withOur debt has increased because the Federal Reserve System has literally spent more money. They print money, as they need it.

How to make your own money?

The Federal Reserve was added in 1914 and since then the FBI has been the creation of money by a stroke of a pen, do not use more than one directory entry.

If the government or banks, businesses and people want a loan, the FBI, the FBI simply wrote a check for the loan and theObviously money is not there, at the bottom of a check "bad" too.

The person who receives it, that "bad check", then deposits the check in his bank.

The bank then sends the control of the central bank in the United States for the payment and that money immediately wooosh created from nothing.

The bank now makes an entry in their books as an asset. That's right!

This control is evil released by the FBI is now an asset on the books of the bank.

And what does the U. S. Fed do? In issuingThat the loan, the Fed makes an entry on their asset side of their books.

It is not surprising? Money has been beautifully created all over the place.

If you and I printed our money, would be called counterfeiting.

The FBI is now their debt capacity.

Try it yourself and see if your tax advisor or the IRS will allow.

Write a check "bad" and see what your bank.

History records that money changers have used every form of abuseIntrigue, deception and violence can to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and output. "

President James Madison

The Federal Reserve System is an out-of-fire control, and the Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's), the dollar paper that we carry in our wallets are the fuel that burns the RSS feed.

"A note from the Federal Reserve is only a promissory note. Here's how it works. If the politicians want more money, have sent a request toFederal Reserve for what they want to sum. The Bureau of Engraving and printing of the book later on bonds redeemed indenturing taxpayers to their debt. The bonds are then "sold" to the Federal Reserve. Note, however, this particular feature - the connection with a check backed by nothing to pay! It's like if you look at your account and see a balance between $ 412 and then heard that the government has sold bonds, write a proposed $ 1 billion. Of course, if you have that you would go toPrison. The bankers do not. Indeed, they print the money that could clarify their control. "

James Dale Davidson, Director of the National Taxpayers Union

However, there is a better way for all of us in the future we want, without ensuring the assistance or supervision of the Federal Reserve, the politicians or the government.

We need to return to the gold standard.

The U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the country, states clearly in Article 1, Section10: "No State shall ... coin Money, emit Bills of credit, making anything but gold and silver coin a tender for the payment of debts ... '

Before 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act, the government has characterized the United States and debt free money. The only type of legal tender is gold and silver coins, gold and silver, according to the Constitution is still the only form of legal relationship.

To back up the Constitution and the legal definition of what is money, the UnitedStates Code, Code of Federal law, Title 12 USC § 152 provides: "The concepts of money from safe sources and interpret legal money in the United States are not as mean gold and silver coins of the United States."

The Federal Reserve System has violated the Constitution by printing their paper money, paper money and so much press that is backed by neither gold nor silver, that is, inflation and public debt to undermine our way of life.

Read the Constitution, the study of their content,Search what money really is and what the Federal Reserve, and then you wonder.

He is in favor of the Federal Reserve System operating system to me?


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